Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where to??

Well seeing as it’s exactly a week away we decided it would be smart to make a rough draft of where we should go.  We're starting in Marseille, France venturing to Aix-en Provence (“Ex” as the local call it), on to Avignon, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Valencia, and finally ending in Madrid, Spain.  We decided to be super prepared and started e-mailing people to couch surf with…yes couch surf. At first I was a little creeped out about the idea of spending the night on some randos couch buuut after looking at the website  http://www.couchsurfing.org/ and reading host’s profiles I realized it’s probably the coolest idea ever.  Not only will we stay FO FREE but we also get to meet the locals who can show us around the cities, cool shops, restaurants, and bars. We bought our eurorail tickets, which provide us with 4 train trips over the course of the journey…as far as getting to Aix-en-Provence we’re thinking moped?.. or bus. Now I'm just crossing my fingers the tickets get to my house before I fly out and that the nice couch surfing hosts are able to have us so we're not homeless.

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