Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where to??

Well seeing as it’s exactly a week away we decided it would be smart to make a rough draft of where we should go.  We're starting in Marseille, France venturing to Aix-en Provence (“Ex” as the local call it), on to Avignon, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Valencia, and finally ending in Madrid, Spain.  We decided to be super prepared and started e-mailing people to couch surf with…yes couch surf. At first I was a little creeped out about the idea of spending the night on some randos couch buuut after looking at the website  http://www.couchsurfing.org/ and reading host’s profiles I realized it’s probably the coolest idea ever.  Not only will we stay FO FREE but we also get to meet the locals who can show us around the cities, cool shops, restaurants, and bars. We bought our eurorail tickets, which provide us with 4 train trips over the course of the journey…as far as getting to Aix-en-Provence we’re thinking moped?.. or bus. Now I'm just crossing my fingers the tickets get to my house before I fly out and that the nice couch surfing hosts are able to have us so we're not homeless.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


All I can think about is:

A. How on earth are europeans so skinny when all they do is eat bread and cheese and drink wine?  
B. What do they wear? (I'll just keep shopping online) 
C. Oh yea...I have a final tomorrow. Woops. 

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Since my partner in crime is stunning in Spanish but doesn't speak a word of French, it's my job to convert my 200 level French education into something remotely useful.  I'm praying Marseille has a solid foundation of English speakers, but also don't want to be "that American tourist" that stumbles over a barely recognizable "Salut" "Hello".  Soooo these next couple weeks I plan on frantically reviewing my books and listening to Rosetta Stone in French, which I recently downloaded.. yes Rosetta Stone.. thanks college tuition.

My favorite french word today is bisou(s), pronounced bi-zu(z). The fun little word means "kisses!" It's jovial and lighthearted, often used when finishing conversations or signing e-mails and rarely used in a literal way... For those kinds of kisses the preferred statement is "J'aimerais t'embrasser" "I would like to kiss/embrace you"... which I also hope to keep in mind in case a beautiful french man where to ever ask.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bought the tickets!!

Today I finally took the leap and bought my tickets!!  This is just the start of my up and coming independence. Yes. The tickets are round trip... as hard as it will be to get back on the plane. The countdown begins!! Takeoff is September 7.  First stop Marseille, France.  Yay! :)