Thursday, September 16, 2010

Nice in a Nutshell

Despite the slight interruption, I wake up revived and ready to go. The blaring classical music also aided in the waking up process. The hostel we’re staying at isn’t your typical hostel, it’s a “world famous” hostel. Aka it’s a nightclub. The blaring music at night brings forth what seems like hundreds of young travelers to the common area to drink cheap drinks and mingle all night and the blaring morning music (more for the staff) echos through the corridors to inform all the guests it’s time to get up. The old remnants of a chapel bring color to the lounge area, surrounded by stained glass. I stuff my face with all you can eat cereal and cups of coffee and go to ready for the day. I organize my life as best as possible in my overgrown excuse for a backpack. We decide to head to the “Flower Market” for the day and simply walk along the Mediterranean Coast (not so bad).

The all encompassing sunlight blinds me as I exit the tram, I make my way around the corner and realize I am surrounded by brilliant color in the form of fresh flowers, fruits, vegetable, and even local art. People old and young crowd the streets to shop for their delicacy of choice. A stand piled high of baguettes and bread amazes me and think to myself “It’s so French!”…Ok maybe I exclaim it louder than necessary, but it brings laughter to one particularly friendly French woman who walks on smiling. As tempted as I am to buy these beautiful, but useless, things I resist. We decide the streets have shown us enough and venture to above eye level and into a labyrinth of a castle(?).

I climbed and climbed endless stairs to reach the view of Nice I had craved. Above all looking down on the sprawls of people. I went higher and higher and again looked over the sprawls of people gathered as close to the ocean as possible. People crave the sea, as is obvious by the ring of clustered people at its coast, followed by a gap of emptiness.

Nice is the most peaceful, tranquil, relaxing, beautiful place on the planet.

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